Boatbuilding Techniques Illustrated: The classic text by Richard Birmingham
Boatbuilding Techniques Illustrated: The classic text by Richard Birmingham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Sound woodworking skills are essential when building a boat fromscratch or just completing a hull, whether it is made of steel,
aluminium, Grp or any form of wooden construction. This highly
illustrated book provides help any aspiring boatbuilder decide what
materials and tools to use and how to use them. Richard Birmingham's
classic text covers the wide range of techniques and skills needed when
constructing a boat, from interpreting the plans to hints on working
different timbers. He answers many of those puzzling questions which
need to be solved in a refreshingly clear and direct manner. This book
will prove an invaluable reference to the home builder or newly trained
apprentice in a fitting out yard.
'An authoritative work. . . really excellent. . . an essential reference and quite the best on the subject.' Yachts & Yachting
'A must for any would-be boatbuilder. . . a splendid book.' Classic Boat
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