Ship Design: Methodologies of Preliminary Design by Apostolos Papanikolaou
Ship Design: Methodologies of Preliminary Design by Apostolos Papanikolaou PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book deals with ship design and in particular with methodologies of the preliminary design of ships. The book is complemented by a basic bibliography and five appendices with useful updated charts for the selection of the main dimensions and other basic characteristics of different types of ships (Appendix A), the determination of hull form from the data of systematic hull form series (Appendix B), the detailed description of the relational method for the preliminary estimation of ship weights (Appendix C), a brief review of the historical evolution of shipbuilding science and technology from the prehistoric era to date (Appendix D) and finally a historical review of regulatory developments of ship's damage stability to date (Appendix E).
The book can be used as textbook for ship design courses or as additional reading for university or college students of naval architecture courses and related disciplines; it may also serve as a reference book for naval architects, practicing engineers of related disciplines and ship officers, who like to enter the ship design field systematically or to use practical methodologies for the estimation of ship's main dimensions and of other ship main properties and elements of ship design.
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