4WD Adventures: Utah by Peter Massey, Jeanne Wilson
4WD Adventures: Utah by Peter Massey, Jeanne Wilson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
4WD Adventures: Utah navigates you for 3,721 miles through the spectacular canyonlands region of Utah, to the top of the Uinta Range, across vast salt flats, and along trails unchanged since the late 19th century when riders of the Pony Express sped from station to station and daring young outlaws wreaked havoc on a multitude of newly established stage lines, railroads, and frontier towns. In addition to the enormously detailed trail information with color photos depicting each trail, there are hundreds of photos of frontier towns, historic mining operations, old railroad routes, local wildflowers, and native animals. Trail history is brought to life through the accounts of outlaws like Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch; explorers and mountain men like Jim Bridger; and the tenacity of and deprivations endured by early Mormon settlers led by Brigham Young. 544 pages, color throughout.From reader reviews:
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