PDF⋙ Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare's Roman Poems and Plays: Transforming Ovid by Starks-Estes
Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare's Roman Poems and Plays: Transforming Ovid by Starks-Estes
Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare's Roman Poems and Plays: Transforming Ovid by Starks-Estes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Employing psychoanalysis, trauma theory, and materialist perspectives, this book examines Shakespeare's appropriations of Ovid's poetry in his Roman poems and plays. It argues that Shakespeare uses Ovid to explore violence, trauma, and virtus - the traumatic effects of aggression, sadomasochism, and the shifting notions of selfhood and masculinity.From reader reviews:
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