PDF⋙ The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World's Most Dynamic Region by Michael R. Auslin
The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World's Most Dynamic Region by Michael R. Auslin
The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World's Most Dynamic Region by Michael R. Auslin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Since Marco Polo, the West has waited for the “Asian Century.” Today, the world believes that Century has arrived. Yet from China’s slumping economy to war clouds over the South China Sea and from environmental devastation to demographic crisis, Asia’s future is increasingly uncertain. Historian and geopolitical expert Michael Auslin argues that far from being a cohesive powerhouse, Asia is a fractured region threatened by stagnation and instability. Here, he provides a comprehensive account of the economic, military, political, and demographic risks that bedevil half of our world, arguing that Asia, working with the United States, has a unique opportunity to avert catastrophe – but only if it acts boldly. Bringing together firsthand observations and decades of research, Auslin’s provocative reassessment of Asia’s future will be a must-read for industry and investors, as well as politicians and scholars, for years to come.
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