Royal Rescue (Love Inspired Suspense) by Tammy Johnson
Royal Rescue (Love Inspired Suspense) by Tammy Johnson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A PRINCESS IN PERILHidden away for more than fourteen years, Thea James was presumed dead by most—killed in the fire that burned the royal palace. But Ronin Parrish knows the truth…and so does the person who murdered Thea's father, the king. Ronin takes his new duty as Thea's bodyguard seriously. After all, she's the only one who can clear his father of the king's murder. It doesn't matter that the princess's beauty and strength draw him to her. To a commoner like him, she can never be more than a mission. Now he's in a race to restore the princess to her rightful place on the throne before the unknown killer prematurely ends her reign.
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